So we went to Horsens for easter to visit my parents (they are not in the picture). But it turns out that some butcher in a small town outside Horsens keeps a bunch of kangaroos in his backyard. Yes, kangaroos in DK..... But what is even more freaky is the white and creepy-looking creature in the photo. It haunts my dreams at night.....(more than the animal that lives in our walls aka 'Wally').
Hahaha... there are much scaryer animals around Frank, I think the white kangaroo is very cute actually ;)
Hehe yes, 'silfurskottur' are much more scary if you ask my girlfriend... :-)
I'm with Frank, that white thing is Freaky!
kíki þið á roskilde síðuna þann 16. apríl en þá verður skellt in 95% af þeim sveitum sem að munu spila í ár :)
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