Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Big white easter bunny?

So we went to Horsens for easter to visit my parents (they are not in the picture). But it turns out that some butcher in a small town outside Horsens keeps a bunch of kangaroos in his backyard. Yes, kangaroos in DK..... But what is even more freaky is the white and creepy-looking creature in the photo. It haunts my dreams at night.....(more than the animal that lives in our walls aka 'Wally').



Unknown said...

Hahaha... there are much scaryer animals around Frank, I think the white kangaroo is very cute actually ;)

Frankrún said...

Hehe yes, 'silfurskottur' are much more scary if you ask my girlfriend... :-)

Anonymous said...

I'm with Frank, that white thing is Freaky!

Unknown said...

kíki þið á roskilde síðuna þann 16. apríl en þá verður skellt in 95% af þeim sveitum sem að munu spila í ár :)